Baby Led Weaning vs Purees: Which Should You Choose and Which is Montessori Aligned? (2024)

In this article, you will get a comparison of baby led weaning vs purees. This article covers what baby led weaning is, why parents choose either method, and which method is Montessori aligned.

Baby led weaning vs purees

If you are an expecting mother or a new mom considering how you will choose to introduce solid foods to your baby, you've probably heard some debate about baby led weaning vs purees.

In the Montessori circles, baby-led weaning is quite popular. Many other parents decide to begin the weaning process with purees, however.

Just to be clear, starting the weaning process does not mean stopping formula or breastmilk. The introduction to solid foods is just the first step in a long journey.

When your baby reaches a certain age and is showing all the signs of readiness for solids, either of these methods, or even a combination of both, are completely appropriate. And I would argue that both are perfectly Montessori aligned.

What is baby led weaning?

Baby-led weaning (BLW) is exactly what it sounds like. You are essentially allowing your child to wean at their own pace. BLW requires babies to pick up appropriate-sized bites of food and put that food in their own mouths and eat.

Baby Led Weaning vs Purees: Which Should You Choose and Which is Montessori Aligned? (1)

Some dieticians believe that BLW is preferable; that a child's first foods should be ones they pick up and feed themselves. This is due to the exploration factor of BLW.

Babies get to experience the texture with their hands, as well as their mouths. This makes for a messy, but sensorial and enjoyable mealtime for babies. It also allows for babies to have a great amount of control over how much they consume, letting them get a grasp of the sensations of hunger vs fullness.

Why do some parents prefer baby-led weaning to purees?

Many parents in Montessori and “natural parenting” circles believe the adage that giving a child food before one is “just for fun”. So, they are hesitant to replace much, if any, breast milk or formula with solid foods.

Parents who follow the BLW weaning strategy believe in respecting the child and encouraging their autonomy. Parents who choose baby-led weaning are making a great choice for their children!

Why choose purees over baby led weaning?

Parents have different reasons for different parenting choices, though.

Many parents who start their babies on purees instead of finger foods believe it benefits babies to experience flavors and textures via spoon-feeding first.

Baby Led Weaning vs Purees: Which Should You Choose and Which is Montessori Aligned? (2)

There is evidence to support that food before one is NOT just for fun, but for supplemental nutrition.

There is also evidence that the introduction of solids between 4 and 6 months is optimal in preventing food allergies. Many 4-6-month-olds, however, are not quite ready to eat chopped solids. So, this evidence supports starting with purees.

A misconception among those who choose BLW is that parents who feed their babies purees are somehow “force-feeding” them and that a baby's cues of disinterest or satiety are ignored in favor of “finishing the jar”, thereby teaching a baby to ignore their fullness cues.

This is simply untrue in most cases.

Have you ever tried to nurse a baby that was full? Yeah, no…they purse their lips so tight a sliver of paper couldn't sneak through. The same thing happens when you try to spoon feed a baby who is full.

A full baby will give the same cues whether they are in front of a plate of food or being fed from a jar.

Parent's who choose introducing purees in favor of the BLW strategy are also making a great choice for their babies!

Baby Led Weaning vs Purees: Which Should You Choose and Which is Montessori Aligned? (3)

Can you do a combination of purees and baby led weaning?


It is entirely possible to introduce your baby to a variety of flavors and textures via purees, then as they become adept at swallowing, introduce finger foods to their diet.

There tends to be a lot of judgement between mothers about which type of weaning is best and when it should be done.

The WHO guidelines are not the same as the AAP guidelines. The WHO guidelines recommend starting solids no sooner than 6 months. It is important to understand, though, that the World Health Organization (WHO) makes its recommendations for impoverished countries, as well as developed countries.

So, these recommendations take many factors into consideration that are not applicable to all of us.

Canada's recommendations for introducing solids are different from America's, but similar to the WHO's. Canada, however, clears parents to introduce their babies to cow's milk as early as 9 months old.

So, you see the recommendations on everything baby-feeding related are always going to vary on where you live!

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines state:

Introduce solid foods around 6 months of age
Expose baby to a wide variety of healthy foods
Also offer a variety of textures

The AAP also warns not to introduce solids prior to 4 months. So, not before 4 months, and “around” 6 months. Essentially, 4-6 months, with all signs of readiness.

What's important to understand is that we all have our reasons for weaning different ways.

All three of my children were fed a combination of finger foods and purees, as desired. None of them were “force fed”.

It is entirely possible to follow a Montessori philosophy and to “follow the child” no matter how you choose to introduce your baby's first bites.

Baby led weaning vs purees, or both; whatever you choose, you're doing awesome.

Baby Led Weaning vs Purees: Which Should You Choose and Which is Montessori Aligned? (4)

In the blink of an eye, you'll be putting your sweet baby on their first bus ride to kindergarten, and all the stress of how they ate their first foods will make you laugh. I roll my eyes at how much I stressed about introducing solids to my first child!

So, try to worry less and try to enjoy your baby's first tastes of food as much as they will.

Cheers and don't forget to subscribe!

Baby Led Weaning vs Purees: Which Should You Choose and Which is Montessori Aligned? (2024)


Baby Led Weaning vs Purees: Which Should You Choose and Which is Montessori Aligned? ›

Baby Led Weaning is the most commonly used method in Montessori as it allows for independence and following the child. This approach may not be for every family and that is okay, we have something in here for those who wish to do traditional feeding and purees too or a combination of both – the Montessori way.

Is puree or baby-led weaning better? ›

Go with the feeding method that feels right to you

Know that there are no studies showing that one feeding method is better than another, so go with the one that feels right for you and your family.

What is the Montessori method of eating? ›

Montessori weaning is a child-led approach to the transition from milk to solid foods. We use real, child-sized dishes, glasses, and cutlery to make their experience similar to they way they see us eat. A great place to introduce Baby's first food is at the family table during a family meal.

What are the arguments against baby-led weaning? ›

Some parents worry that baby-led weaning is more likely to cause their baby to choke than spoon-feeding. Emerging evidence suggests that baby-led weaning may result in more gagging as babies get used to swallowing but no increased likelihood of choking . Baby-led weaning can be messier than spoon-feeding.

What is the difference between weaning and baby-led weaning? ›

BLW may also be defined as auto-weaning, which means offering chopped and minced family meals to the infants [10]. While in the traditional weaning infants are offered puréed infant foods that are often made up of several ingredients, in the baby-led weaning a variety of single picked foods is offered to the baby.

Do doctors recommend baby-led weaning? ›

Nevertheless, the use of the BLW method has been linked to lower energy intake; zinc, iron, and vitamin B12 deficiencies; and the risk of choking. Due to these potential risks, some healthcare professionals are reluctant to recommend BLW.

Is baby-led weaning good or bad? ›

Recent studies have shown that babies fed solely by the baby-led method are at more risk of iron, zinc and vitamin B12 deficiency. They are also more likely to choose predominantly carbohydrate-based foods. Turns out there is no super- easy way of getting good nutrition into your child after all!

Is the Montessori method better? ›

They found that the children in the Montessori school showed better reading and math, improved social skills, and advanced executive functioning by the end of kindergarten. They also showed more creative writing and reported more of a sense of a school community.

What is the Montessori method for dummies? ›

The Montessori Method aims at putting the child at the center of their own development. In short, the Montessori pedagogy allows children to use all 5 senses in their learning. Based on fundamental principles, the Montessori Method gives the child full authority over decisions on their intellectual development.

Does the Montessori method really work? ›

Analysing their progress at age five, Lillard found that the children who went to the Montessori school tended to have better literacy, numeracy, executive function and social skills, compared to those who had attended the other schools. And at age 12, they showed better story-telling abilities.

Is there any science behind baby-led weaning? ›

Research also finds that parents who use baby-led weaning report less controlling behavior around food and less anxiety than parents who spoon feed and that using baby-led weaning predicts how controlling parents are of their toddlers' eating.

Why is baby-led weaning popular? ›

Benefits of Letting Your Baby Self-Feed

Ease: Baby (mostly) eats what you eat. Less special meals. Variety: Baby can eat a variety of textures and flavors, which may reduce picky eating later on. Less Expensive: Baby eats real food.

Can you do puree and baby-led weaning? ›

A combined approach that includes both finger foods for self-feeding and the spoon-feeding of purees is fine when babies are fed responsively, and there is no evidence that a combined approach is detrimental. A misconception about BLW is that purees should be avoided.

What is the baby-led weaning rule? ›

BLW may begin around 6 months, when the baby shows signs of readiness such as sitting up independently, loss of tongue thrust reflex, mouthing toys, and showing interest in table foods. To start BLW, ensure readiness and begin with one solid meal a day during family mealtime.

What does baby-led weaning teach? ›

Baby-led weaning allows babies to learn how to chew (or more accurately, gum) first, then swallow. It also prevents parents from pushing food, since babies are in control of how much they put into their mouths. Encourages babies to become familiar with a greater variety of textures and flavors.

Do you skip purees with baby-led weaning? ›

The Meaning of Baby-Led Weaning

Baby-led weaning (BLW) involves skipping the spoon-fed purées and letting babies feed themselves finger foods when starting solids. While the baby-led feeding can be a great option for some families, it's important to note that it might not benefit every baby or every family.

Do babies eat purees in baby-led weaning? ›

“The basic idea behind baby-led weaning is that parents and caregivers can follow a baby's lead,” says Dr. Churbock. “This means watching for signs of developmental readiness and, when a baby is ready, allowing them to self-feed.” Babies are also skipping many traditional baby foods such as purees, Dr.

Can you switch from purees to baby-led weaning? ›

While a baby who has been started on purees and spoon feeding can't truly be defined as having been fully BLW'd, it's never too late to offer pieces of food. Everyone is entitled to change their approach when they learn something new, or when they discover that what they've chosen isn't working for them.

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