How To Make a Chore Chart for Kids (2024)

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Did you know that doing chores is a great predictor of whether a kid will grow into a happy, healthy, independent adult? When our kids participate in chore charts from an early age, they foster skills that will help them the rest of their lives. But… creating and managing a chore chart can be a hassle. Plus, nagging your kiddo to participate and then rewarding them for their efforts can make things feel complicated.

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Luckily, there’s an alternative to the traditional paper or whiteboard chart. Soon you too will be reaping the benefits of chore charts, minus the headache! Keep reading to explore the benefits of a chore chart for kids, and to learn how to get started.

Benefits of Making Chore Charts for Kids

During the last two years, we’ve all had to adopt new daily routines. This deviation from “normal” can be overwhelming and stressful for our children. Luckily, there are numerous related benefits you can enjoy by incorporating chores into your kiddo’s day.

1. Structure

A chore routine adds structure back to your kid’s day. They will find comfort in a predictable set of expectations and behaviors. Chore charts divide up the day into a series of manageable tasks.

2. Control

Having a chore schedule can benefit your children in more ways than one. For starters, it can give them a sense of control over their lives. When they see that they’re capable of handling certain tasks with predictable outcomes, they feel empowered and confident.

Moreover, having a set routine can also help your little ones learn about cause and effect. Let’s say they’re responsible for watering the flowers every day. When they do it regularly, the flowers thrive, and when they forget, the flowers start to wilt and turn brown. This understanding of cause and effect can be incredibly valuable in instilling a sense of responsibility in your kids.

Read more: Frequently Asked Questions About Chore Charts

3. Teamwork

Participating in chores around the house fosters a sense of teamwork. They will see everyone helping out and doing their share of the daily tasks. As your kiddo participates in chores too, they will feel a sense of belonging.

Working together towards a common cause greatly strengthens the bonds of family units.

4. Self-Esteem

One of the greatest benefits of chores is that your child learns the satisfaction of a job well done. This feeling of pride after hard work can lead to a heightened sense of self-esteem.

5. Rewarding

When you reward a child for their efforts, they feel as if they truly earned it. They will enjoy a treat more when they’ve worked hard for it. This adds immeasurably to their overall life satisfaction.

6. Independence

Finally, doing chores provides your kiddo with the opportunity to exercise independence. When completing a task, they realize that they can be mature and responsible. They will see that they can accomplish jobs around the house on their own.

These are just some of the many benefits of a chore chart for kids. Now that we know why kids should do a chore or two, let’s look at how to incorporate chores into your kiddo’s daily routine.

How To Make a Chore Chart for Kids (1)
"Goally helps. Our kid is more independent at home and at school " — Mom of 1 kidLearn more →

Creating a Chore Chart for Kids: Simplify and Engage with Goally

When it comes to keeping track of chores for kids, using a simple and interactive app can make the process easier and more enjoyable. At Goally, we understand that technology can be both appealing and challenging for parents. That’s why we offer a solution that eliminates distractions and provides a hassle-free experience.

With Goally, you have two options:

  • Goally Device or Phone: We provide a special Goally device or phone that is specifically designed for your child’s use. These devices are secure, distraction-free, and cannot access web browsers or YouTube.
  • Use Your Own Phone: If you prefer, you can download our Goally suite of apps directly onto your Android or Apple device. This allows you to utilize your own phone while still enjoying the benefits of our chore chart system.

So, how can you use Goally to create chore routines for your child?

1. Visual Schedules

Goally’s visual schedules break down a routine step by step. Each step features a countdown timer to keep your kiddo on track. You (the parent) get to decide how much time each step should take.

For example, you might set a one-minute timer for “find the toothbrush,” two minutes to put the toothpaste on the brush, and five minutes for the actual brushing.

Since visuals are one of the most important elements of a chore chart, our visual schedules allow you to add pictures for each step. Feel free to use one of our many ready-made stock photos. Or, upload your own photos that you feel best illustrate each specific task.

2. Checklists

Checking off items on a checklist has long been recognized as being extremely satisfying and motivating.Making a paper checklist is the most obvious of the choices! List all of the chores (in or out of order)

Here’s the thing though, paper checklists get lost, you have to recreate them often, and there’s nothing to remind you that they exist.

Read more: Free Printable Visual Cue Cards for Autism

Goally also allows you to create digital checklists, which show all steps in the routine at once. You can schedule checklists to remind you kiddo when chores should be done. You can choose a visual aid to go with your checklists, and Goally will also read steps out loud to your kiddo!

How To Make a Chore Chart for Kids (2)

3. Reminders

As a parent, you know how tiresome it can be to remind your little ones to do their chores all the time. But, with Goally, you can forget about this frustration! Goally takes on this responsibility for you. It will send alerts to your kids when it’s chore time and will keep reminding them until the task is done. This way, your children stay on track, and you get some well-deserved peace of mind.

Additionally, you can customize the sound settings on the device. So, whether you want to use pre-set sounds or prefer a completely silent approach, Goally has got you covered!

4. Token Boards

Use our built in reward system to create your own token economy, like personal bitcoin (ha!). With Goally you can reward your kiddo for completing a chore. You get to decide how many tokens every chore is worth; it’s all customizable.

You are also able to see how long it took your child to do the chore. When the chore is completed faster, feel free to reward them with more tokens!

In the Token app, enter favorite rewards for your child, with an icon or photo to symbolize it. Each reward has its own “price,” which you set. When your child has earned enough tokens, they can redeem a prize!

Read More: Free Printable Chore Chart

Creating a Chore Chart for Kids with Goally: Promoting Structure and Independence

Introducing chores to your child at an early age can have numerous benefits, including fostering structure, teamwork, self-esteem, and independence. Making chores enjoyable by incorporating rewards can further enhance their engagement and motivation.

Goally | Apps To Structure Your Kiddo’s Routine

Does your child struggle with transitions or staying on task? Goally’s visual schedule app breaks down large tasks into small, achievable steps. It helps kids complete their tasks independently!

Create custom routines with your own videos & pictures for every step. The steps come in small, bite-sized pieces to help your child learn the little fundamentals (like putting the toothpaste on their toothbrush!) to achieve bigger goals. And that’s just the beginning.

With Goally, you have access to a range of customizable options for creating an app-based chore chart that suits your child’s needs. Your child will enjoy completing tasks listed on their visual schedule or checklist, and the best part is that Goally takes care of reminders, eliminating the need for constant reminders from you.

FAQs About Chore Chart for Kids

How can a chore chart benefit special needs children?Chore charts can help special needs children develop a sense of routine and structure, which can be very beneficial for their overall wellbeing. Additionally, having a set list of tasks can help children with special needs feel more confident and independent, as they learn to handle responsibilities and accomplish tasks on their own.
What are some effective strategies for creating a chore chart for special needs children?When creating a chore chart for special needs children, it's important to keep in mind their unique needs and abilities. Some effective strategies include using visual aids like pictures or symbols to represent tasks, breaking down larger tasks into smaller steps, and providing positive reinforcement and rewards for completed tasks.
How can parents encourage their special needs children to stick to a chore chart?Consistency is key when it comes to encouraging special needs children to stick to a chore chart. Parents can set clear expectations and consequences for incomplete tasks, and provide positive reinforcement and rewards for completed tasks. It's also important to adjust the chore chart as needed, based on the child's abilities and progress.
How can a chore chart help special needs children develop important life skills?Chore charts can be a valuable tool for helping special needs children develop important life skills like responsibility, time management, and organization. By breaking down tasks into smaller steps and setting clear expectations, chore charts can help children build confidence and independence, and prepare them for the challenges of adulthood.

This post was originally published on 02/15/2022. It was updated on 10/13/2023.

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How To Make a Chore Chart for Kids (4)


We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.

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How To Make a Chore Chart for Kids (2024)


How do you make an effective chore chart? ›

Here are some key characteristics that make a chore chart template effective:
  1. Clarity and simplicity: The template should be easy to understand, clearly listing the chore duties and schedule.
  2. Visual appeal: It should be visually appealing, with elements like color-coding and stickers to make it more engaging.
Feb 14, 2024

How much chores should a 12 year old have? ›

Kids in elementary school should be expected to do 10 to 20 minutes of helping around the house each day. You can expect a little more on the weekends and in the summer. Teenagers can do 20 to 30 minutes a day, with bigger chores, such as lawn-mowing, on the weekends.

How do you structure chores for kids? ›

10 Steps to Getting the Kids to Help Out with Chores
  1. Introduce your Kids to Chores as Early as Possible. ...
  2. Organize Each Family Member's Chores in a Chart. ...
  3. Make It a Part of Their Daily Routine. ...
  4. Don't Use Chores as Punishment. ...
  5. Make Doing Chores Fun. ...
  6. Make It a Challenge. ...
  7. Use a Reward System. ...
  8. Allow Kids Some Autonomy.
Aug 12, 2016

How to write a chores list? ›

Your monthly chores list might include:
  1. Cleaning all windows and mirrors.
  2. Cleaning out the refrigerator.
  3. Tossing out expired pantry food.
  4. Cleaning out the oven and microwave.
  5. Changing the HVAC filter.
  6. Dusting the blinds or shutters.
  7. Vacuuming or steaming the curtains.
  8. Vacuuming furniture.

Do chore charts work for kids? ›

They're a great tool to help children become independent in accomplishing their chores. However, in some cases they can undermine intrinsic motivation and cause children to demonstrate positive behaviors only to receive a reward.

How to make a daily chore list? ›

Consistent household tasks
  1. Meal preparation.
  2. Doing dishes after each meal.
  3. Removing shoes when you enter the home.
  4. Putting items in shared spaces like the living room away in their proper places.
  5. Cleaning up messes like hair in the bathroom, spills, or stray food scraps.
Feb 1, 2022

Should a 19 year old have chores? ›

As your child enters their adolescent and teen years, household chores still play an important part in their growth. Chores contribute to the busy household and develop important life skills. Caring for shared spaces within the home also nurtures the concept of shared teamwork that will last into adulthood.

What should an 11 year old be able to do? ›

Milestones in cognitive development include the following:
  • Begin to rely on news, social media, and peers to get information and form opinions.
  • Can argue more than just one side of an issue.
  • Become more independent from their family.
  • Develop a greater sense of responsibility and help around the house.

How much should I pay my 14 year old for chores? ›

A good weekly allowance for a child can be $1 to $2 for each year of their age. You need to consider what you can afford. Also, decide what they'll be required to do to earn it.

How to make chores easy? ›

Tackle your household chores and save time with these 22 easy-to-implement tips:
  1. Include the family. Everyone makes the mess, so everyone should help clean it. ...
  2. Assign tasks. ...
  3. Set a clock for 15 minutes. ...
  4. Break house chores into chunks. ...
  5. Develop time awareness. ...
  6. Have a space for supplies. ...
  7. Make a cleaning caddy. ...
  8. Prioritize.
Feb 9, 2022

Should kids do chores every day? ›

Research suggests there are benefits to including chores in a child's routine as early as age 3. Children who do chores may exhibit higher self-esteem, be more responsible, and be better equipped to deal with frustration, adversity, and delayed gratification.

What is considered heavy housework? ›

Heavy Housework may include but is not limited to: Vacuuming that involves moving furniture; Removing extreme clutter and garbage that may be causing health and safety issues; Sweeping & mopping behind and under major appliances such as refrigerators, dryers, washing machines, etc.

How to divide household chores? ›

5 Strategies for Sharing Household Chores
  1. Consider Time Equitably. ...
  2. Set Clear Expectations. ...
  3. Create a List, Then Break It Down. ...
  4. Build Positive Associations for Kids. ...
  5. Outsource the Issue.

What goes on a chore chart? ›

They give you a place to list chores or extra money-earning jobs and assign them to a certain family member. The formatting is all a bit different, but they all try to accomplish one thing: getting those chores done. These DIY chore charts are as simple or involved as you want them to be.

How much should each chore be? ›

So, kids up to 12 or 13 years old might earn up to $1 a week for each year of their age ($10, $11, $12 or $13 per week), while kids 14 and older could earn up to $2 per week per year of their age ($28 and up) depending on how many chores they complete.

How often should you do each household chore? ›

Kitchen and bathroom surfaces get cleaned every few days — more often when food is involved. Spills and trash get taken care of on an as-needed basis every day or two. Vacuuming and mopping should happen at least once a week. Clean carpets every three to six months.

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.